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Thursday 16 May 2013

I've been hard at work and given my blog a facelift, very purple and very me.

I had to add a little bit of my boy to the design, so his favourite toy peeking from my tablet that is docked. As he calls him 'mar mar'. We go he it on one of our trips to the mamas and papas factory shop trips, where Dave got bored and started putting things in my basket. He is harder to shop with sometimes than kids!  Marv the soft toy robot 'jumped' into the basket. Now J loves it and wont go to sleep without him.

It is funny to think of the little stories attached to simple things.

Hope you all enjoy the change!

Monday 8 April 2013
I love my Luna Mix and my little boy loves the freedom of the non fixed harness, however with him being small at times I wanted a fixed harness  especially for times where I would anticipate that he would have a sleep when out.

So I came up with a quick little solution that works really well for me, it still allowed a little freedom when using elastic ( which I am in the photos below) but worked like a fixed harness.

Obviously let me state here, this works for me and I was happy with the safety of my boy, however if you feel it isn't safe then please don't try this:

  • What you will need is either a piece of flat elastic, or flat shoelace ( you can use rounded ones but I always worried in case it wasn't as comfy for J

Take the Harness at the plastic brace
Pull a little extra harness through the loops and feed the elastic all the way through
Pull each end through the top slits already on  the luna and feed the ends down to the back of the seat
Feed through the loops at the back of the seat until tensioned how you want it at the front, then loop it through the loops so it gives it a little extra strength ( you will see the looping in the following picture)

Once you have it looped a couple of times around the rings, pull the ends together and tie it off

And this is the end result!
  • When I had this push chair more in use ( Have a small stroller now and this one is for sale currently, just due to J preferring to walk a bit more now) I had it positioned better and the ends I first threaded through the seat liner so you couldn't see the black elastic.

test block

testing the way this works